

Howard, P., Saevi, T., Foran, A. & Biesta, G. (2020). (Eds.). Phenomenology and Educational Theory in Conversation. Back to Education Itself. Routledge

Sævi, T. & Biesta, G. (2020). (Red.). Pedagogikk, periferi og verdi. Eksistensiell dialog om skole og samfunn. Fagbokforlaget.   

Saevi, T. (2020). Reality-testing subjectivity, naivety, and freedom – or on the possibility of educational moments. Howard, P., Saevi, T., Foran, A.& Biesta, G. (Eds.). Phenomenology and Educational Theory in Conversation. Back to Education Itself. Routledge, p. 100 – 109.

Saevi, T. (2020). Children, adults, voice and agency. On the problem of seeing education from children’s perspective. Howard, P., Saevi, T., Foran, A.& Biesta, G. (Eds.). Phenomenology and Educational Theory in Conversation. Back to Education Itself. Routledge, p. 59-62.

Saevi, T. & Howard, P. (2020). Introduction. Howard, P., Saevi, T., Foran, A.& Biesta, G. (Eds.). Phenomenology and Educational Theory in Conversation. Back to Education Itself. Routledge, p. 1-5.

Kalisha, W. & Sævi, T. (2020). Å være ingen eller noen – unge enslige asylsøkere om venting på godhet, et sted å leve og muligheten for et liv. Sævi, T. & Biesta, G. (red.). Pedagogikk, periferi og verdi. Eksistensiell dialog om skole og samfunn. Fagbokforlaget, p. 57-76.

Biesta, G. & Sævi, T. (2020). Innledning. Sævi, T. & Biesta, G. (red.). Pedagogikk, periferi og verdi. Eksistensiell dialog om skole og samfunn. Fagbokforlaget, p. 11-20.

Saevi, T. (2020). Does Gert Biesta’s book, The Rediscovery of Teaching, matter to education? Phenomenology & Practice 2020/1, 130-140. 

Saevi, T. (2020). Editorial: Phenomenological Research is Existential. Phenomenology & Practice 2020/2, 1-4. 


Å skrive hermeneutisk fenomenologisk “fra mening til metode». Et pedagogisk eksempel påpraksisens fenomenologi. Fenomenologi i praktiken. Dahlberg, H., Ellingsen, S., Martinsen, B. & Rosberg, S. (eds.). Stockholm: Liber Forlag, 317-345. 


On Storytelling, Teaching, Chance, and Gratitude: In Conversation with Alphonso Lingis. (With Patrick Howard). Phenomenology & Practice 2/2018, 37-47.

Lived Space and Support as Interrelated Phenomena in the Context of Young People with Mental Health Problems. (With Mona Sommer). Phenomenology & Practice 1/2018, 40-56.

Lingis Special Issue: Travel as the Possibility of Being Brought Back to Ourselves. (With Patrick Howard). Phenomenology & Practice. 2/2018.

Voice No Voice Counter Voice… Phenomenology & Practice 1/2018.


Beyond rational order: Shifting the meaning of trust in organizational research. (With Tone Eikeland). Human Studies 2017, 1-34.

Beyond Support: Exploring support as existential phenomenon in the context of young people and mental health. (With Mona Sommer). Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 2017; Volum 17, (2), 1-11.


Phenomenology in Education. Peters, M. A. (Ed.) (2016). Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Springer Science +Business media Singapore, Pte, Ltd. ISBN 978-981-287-532-7.

Phenomenology and education. Peters, M. A. (Ed.) (2016). Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Springer Science +Business media Singapore, Pte, Ltd. ISBN 978-981-287-532-7. Section editor (10 articles).

Thresholds and Power. Phenomenology & Practice, 1/2016 (1), 1-3.


Ansvar for eget ansvar. Å gi barnets eller den unges annerledeshet plass i mitt liv. Brunstad, P.O., Reindal, S. M. & Sæverot, H. (red.). (2015). Eksistens og Pedagogikk. En samtale om pedagogikkens oppgave. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, ISBN 978-82-15-02314-4, kap. 4, 73-91.

Phenomenology in educational research: Controversies, contradictions, confluences. Brinkmann, M., Kubac, R. Rødel, S.S. (Eds.) (2015). Pädagogische Erfahrung Theoretisch und empirische Perspectiven.  Springer VS, Kap. 1, 13-31.

Learning and pedagogic relations. Scott, D. & Hargreaves, E. (eds). (2015). The Sage Handbook of Learning. London: Sage, chapt. 32, 342-352.

Phenomenology & Practice 9/2015 (1), 1-3.


Eksistensiell refleksjon og moralsk nøling. Pedagogikk som relasjon, fortolkning og språk. Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift 4/2014, 248-259.  

Mollenhauer and the pedagogical relation: A general pedagogic from the margins. Phenomenology & Practice, 8/2014 (2), 39-44.  

Forgotten connections. Thirty years after. Phenomenology & Practice 8/2014 (2), 1-6. (With Bas Levering).


Ingen pedagogikk uten en «tom» relasjon. Et fenomenologisk-eksistensielt bidrag. Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift 2/2013, 236-247.  

Between being and knowing: Addressing the fundamental hesitation in hermeneutic phenomenological writing. Indo Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, 13/2013 (1), 1-11.

Ingen pedagogikk uten en «tom» relasjon. Et fenomenologisk-eksistensielt bidrag. Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift 2/2013, 236-247.  

Between being and knowing: Addressing the fundamental hesitation in hermeneutic phenomenological writing. Indo Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, 13/2013 (1), 1-11.

Phenomenology in Educational Research. Oxford Bibliographies. Meyer, Luanna (Ed.). (2015). New York: Oxford University Press. (28).  

Nothing but Phenomenology… Phenomenology & Practice, 7/2013 (1), 1-4.

Forsømte sammenhenger? – Om pedagogikk, danning og utdanning. Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift 3/2013, 169-171. (Med Herner Sæverot og Are Turmo).  


From where does trust come and why is «from where» significant? (with Tone B. Eikeland). Phenomenology & Practice. 6/ 2012, (1), 89-95.

Lived Relationality as Fulcrum for Pedagogical – Ethical Practice. G.J.J. Biesta (ed.). Making sense of education. Fifteen contemporary educational theorists in their own words.  Dordrecht: Springer, 27-34.  

Seeing pedagogically, telling phenomenologically – addressing the profound complexity of education. (with Andrew Foran). Phenomenology & Practice, 6/2012 (2), 50-64.  

Why Mollenhauer Matters:  A response to Klaus Mollenhauer’s book Forgotten Connections. On Culture and UpbringingTranslated into English, edited and with an introduction by Norm Friesen, Phenomenology & Practice, 6 /2012 (2), 180-191.

Edited book
Hermeneutic phenomenology in education: Method and practice. N. Friesen, C.  Henriksson, T. Saevi (eds.). Amsterdam: Sense Publishers.  

Phenomenology & Practice, 6/2012 (1), 1-4.  


Lived Relationality as Fulcrum for Pedagogical – Ethical Practice. Studies in Philosophy and Education. Vol. 30, Issue 5 (2011), 455-461.  

Phenomenology & Practice, 5/2011 (1), 1-6.

Phenomenology & Practice, 5/2011 (2), 1-5. 


Reviving Forgotten Connections in North American Teacher Education: Klaus Mollenhauer and the Pedagogical Relation. (With Norm Friesen). Journal of Curriculum Studies. Vol. 42. No.1. 2010.  

Phenomenology & Practice, 4/2010 (1), 1-4.  


The Child seen as the Same or the Other? The Significance of the Social Convention to the Pedagogical Relation. (With Heidi Husevaag). Paideusis. 18/2009 (2), 29-41.  

“An Event in Sound” A Consideration on ethic-aesthetic traits of the hermeneutic phenomenological text. (With Carina Henriksson). Phenomenology & Practice, 3/2009 (1), 35-58.

Mer enn studenten har bedt om. Aspekt ved veiledning i høyere utdanning med utgangspunkt i Rainer Maria Rilkes motvilje mot utdanning og Simone Weils tro på oppmerksomhetens kraft. Krumtappen og Sjøstjernen. En artikkelsamling om omtanke og entusiasme i profesjonelt arbeid (2009). Bergen: University College of Bergen, Bodini Forlag (edited with Marit Pettersen).

Innledning. Hva sier språket? Krumtappen og Sjøstjernen. En artikkelsamling om omtanke og entusiasme i profesjonelt arbeid (2009). Bergen: University College of Bergen, Bodini Forlag (edited with Marit Pettersen).

Edited book
Krumtappen og Sjøstjernen. En artikkelsamling om omtanke og entusiasme i profesjonelt arbeid (2009). Bergen: University College of Bergen, Bodini Forlag (with Marit Pettersen).  (Including the introduction to the anthology and the introductions to six of the articles).